Dear Family,
this week was not what we thought it would be at the beginning of the
week. Me and my comp had some crazy miracles happen and also some great
testimony building moments.
was packing day for all the other elders in our house. Last night we
got the call that our 4 man area would now become a 2 man area. My comp
and I were super nervous because that would mean we would take over a
huge area that has not been worked all that well in the last couple
months. Never the less me and Elder Fa'a are way ready for the challenge
and will work our butts off to see some success.

we were in a threesome waiting for the new elders in the zone. It was
great to see some of my boys as they made their way up to the really far
away areas. After waiting forever we finally got the elders off the bus
and got them to their new areas. Me and my comp spent the rest of the
day in the area books and cleaning and packing up the house. We found a
sweet little apartment that we will be moving into on Saturday. The best
part of today is when we went to get some dinner Elder Fa'alavelave
locked us out the house so we had so do some sneaky ninja moves and get
that darn door open. In the end I got a good pic and sent it to his
family hahaha.
we headed out early to work so we could go to a baptism in New
Washington later that day. We went tracting for about 4 hours and were
able to meet some great people and also some not so great people. I love
talking to people and learning their stories and how the gospel can
help them. We taught Brother Sonny Mationg who is quickly becoming my
favorite investigator. A week ago he called us over to his small fish
stand and said Brother Swanton I want to change my life and you have
walked by my stand for five weeks and today I feel like its time I
listen to what you have to say. It was the best first lesson I have ever
been apart of, the emotions were all over the place and tears were
falling throughout the whole lesson. About 7 months ago he was in a bad
motor accident that left him in a wheelchair and just two days before we
met with him his wife left him and his two children to fend for
themselves. We are helping him to see how the gospel can make his life
peaceful and if he has the faith Heavenly Father can help him. I
committed him to come to church and see why we are the only true church.
He said we would and also bring his kids.
Continued... after the lesson with sonny we headed to see the baptism
of The new Washington elders. It was awesome because we were able to see
Brother Calaway ( He was released from his mission 4 hours earlier) and
his family that came to pick him up from his mission. The ward their
set up a small celebration for Elder Calaway and the two baptisms. The
two mothers who got baptized were more ready than anyone I have ever
met. When the service started I felt a feeling I have never felt this strong
entered the room. I wish I could explain it to you but it was like a big
hand on my shoulder saying this is true Jake what you do every day has
an eternal purpose and this feeling can be with you all the time if you
want it. Me and my comp looked at each other and knew that we need to do
all we can to feel this way in our area.
we moved houses and it was so much fun. Me and my comp were woken up by
some guys banging on our gate at 7 am saying time to go. We woke up
real quick and started filling up this hallow block truck with all our
earthly possessions. Then for the next 5 hours we unpacked and got the
rooms all situated and ready to go. Then the ZL's called and said they
needed out help moving some more furniture and one thing lead to another
and we were sleeping at the ZL's house getting ready to go to the
farthest area in our zone in the morning 5 am.
was so crazy we rented a jeep and filled it full of furniture and then
headed about 3 hours north to get some elders some furniture. They have
been sleeping on the floor and have no place to put their clothes. It
was great to see them and to see how crazy nice it is up in their area.
turned out to be the best of all when we got to church I was humbled to
see Brother Sonny in his wheelchair listening to the prelude music. He
brought his son and daughter with him and they had a great time at
church. Our ward has finally caught the fire of missionary work.We also
had Sister Zamino come to church with her son so to say we are happy
with the work right now is an understatement. After church me and my
comp split with the ward members so we could spread out and cover more
area. I taught our other progressing investigator Sister Anna Vanessa,
she has already read so much of the book of Mormon. It was a great
lesson about Plan of Salvation and I also helped her understand why her
old baptism was not completely correct. She took it great and said she
wants to know were the true church is so I committed her to pray about
what we talked about. The priesthood has to be there for it to be
accepted by God.
great week to say the least and I cant believe that as of today I only
have 4 short months left in this mission. It feels like just the other
day I stepped through the doors of the MTC, and here we are in the last
home stretch. I love you all and hope you have a great week.
Love your son and brother,
Elder Swanton